Water Assessment 2023
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Health / Emergency Prep
Saratoga Beach adheres to the County codes for Health and Safety and further with the Community ByLaws and Standards, whichever is more restrictive.  This is done for the good of all to maintain the most healthy environment for all of our residents.  Please check with the County Codes if you have any questions in this area. 

Where:  Bayview Fire Department
When:  Every Last Saturday of the month
      Exception:  Easter weekend in March 2024.  The class is held March 23
Price:  $60.00
How:  register in person at Bayview Fire Station. 5579 Bayview Rd Langley, WA 98260
Numbers of Students:  No limit.  They will get instructors for the number of people who registered
Class Format:
      1.  Online prior to class registration - 1-2 ½ hours online
      2.  In person class Saturday from 10:00-12:00.  Students practice and apply the skills they learned from their online session.
Our biggest focus is to be prepared in the event of a major emergency.  We ask that you participate in several ways. 
  • Join the Committee for support - share your skills,
  • participate in training such as CERT - Certified Emergency Response Team - provided for free at the Bayview Fire Station;
  • maintain your family's personal emergency prep plan;
  • build a GO bag for quick exits; 
  • and inform the safety committee of those who might need extra assistance or rescue during a catastrophic event such as an earthquake. 
To Join the group, contact sarbeach@whidbey.com.  
Did you know that Whidbey Island sits on along a serious fault line – the Cascadia Fault?  There are also several smaller fault lines on our island. More importantly, is that research on the Cascadia Fault and earthquakes show that a major earthquake has occurred along this fault line every 300 years.  It has been 319 years since the last one.  It is important that we be prepared.  Predictors say not to think about “IF”,  think “WHEN”.  The place to start is with a survival kit.  The two links we have here are for 72 hours of water, food, and other essentials.  This is just a start.  The current thought is that you should be ready at home with supplies for 1 month.  Think roads unpassable, no deliveries available, and no communication by phone, etc.  What will you do?
You also need to know that ALL of our support, supplies, and power on the Island come to us via the Deception Pass bridge (and some by ferry).  Please note that even a weaker quake can shut down the bridge until engineers can verify it is safe for traffic.  Estimates include 3- 6 weeks before use could be restored, barring that it is totally unusable.  Whidbey Island is not a major population center for higher priority assistance.
Please check out the Island County Department of Emergency Management (DEM) Website at:
https://www.islandcountywa.gov/DEM/Pages/Home.aspx for up-to-date information and planning tools – even an AP for that!
Island County Department of Emergency Planning (DEM) now has a mobile phone app that will provide valuable tools for Island County Citizens to prepare for emergencies and disasters.  To download go to http://readydl.com/island-county.
The next time disaster strikes, you may not have much time to act.  Prepare now for a sudden emergency.  Take time as a family to prepare yourselves, the most important plan is YOUR plan.
A first easy step to being prepared is to STORE WATER  - storing 2-3 weeks of drinkable water for your family (each member) is suggested.  Rotate through your storage to prevent a stale taste. Below is a list of resources that will help assist you in creating a plan and be more prepared for an emergency.    
Emergency Preparedness Resources
72 Hour Prep Kit - Island County DEM  Take a GO BAG with you when away from home.  Ferries and the Bridge may not be available.

72 Hour Car Evacuation Kit - Island County DEM


SBOA Emergency Preparedness Captains  --  Volunteer for your neighborhood!
The goal of our Neighborhood Captains position is to act as a neighborhood representative/resource to disaster preparedness functions, primarily to enhance communication about disaster preparedness, and most especially in the case of an actual disaster or environmental event such as a water system outage. Join a great group of your SBOA neighbors! Find Your District: North SBOA  A-DCenter SBoa  E- ISouth SBOA J-LContact us under other with questions or readiness suggestions.


Radio Network for Communication during emergencies


Got a walkie-talkie radio?  Join our network check-ins to help ensure communication throughout the community during normal communication outages.  Privacy setting 0, channel 4.  Every on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 8:45 am. Ham radio operator? We need you to connect to the Island support.   


Please contact Bill Hensler, Board Member, and Network Coordinator. We have standardized on the Motorola T600 or compatible radio. Click here to view a training PowerPoint for the Motorola T600, provided by Doug Whidby from a sister community network.


We encourage members to utilize the free online training for the Certified Emergency Response Team.  So far, SBOA has eight members who have completed CERT training. The newest program offering is online, as of September 2020.  






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